
Antoni Tàpies al sanatori de Puig d’Olena, vers 1942-1943

We recommend some short readings of texts by Antoni Tàpies.

Writing was one of the facets of the artist. In the mid-1960s, he considered it was important to write about his thoughts around art and culture, but also he reflected on other aspects such as politics and spirituality. As Xavier Antich says, his texts have always been “[…] an invitation to think, to take part, even to play, which is one of the supreme ways of sharing, of the possibility of creating common spaces and of learning from others.’ [1]

The Game of Looking, 1967
Communication on the Wall, 1970
Nothing is too petty, 1970
Crosses, exes and other, 1999


[1] Antich, Xavier, “L’escriptura d’Antoni Tàpies”, in Antoni Tàpies. En blanc i negre, Barcelona: Cercle de lectors. Galàxia Gutenberg, 2008: 29

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